April 26, 2010

ice cream cone cupcakes

i had a few birthdays to celebrate all in one week, so i decided to try turning cupcakes into ice cream cones.

turns out it was a big hit that was super easy. the best part about these is that they aren't a dripping mess, they get everyone excited about life and who doesn't love ice cream cones and cupcakes...no really, who?

April 20, 2010

my first official order!

okay, so technically since it is for the American Cancer Society it is more of an "in-kind" order, but who cares about the details, right?!

one of my good girlfriends heads up ACS's DetermiNation program - which works with athletes who want to end cancer and save lives by dedicating training and race participation in marathons, triathlons, cycling, and other endurance events. the first week of may, before the Indianapolis mini-marathon, they are having a pre-event banquet and yours truly will be baking for the cause!

after trying to think of a cute theme, we came up with piggy-backing off ACS's current campaign - celebrating birthdays. how suiting considering mine is that weekend...hmmm ironic. details, cupcakes and more to come...

April 9, 2010

sheep cake

not to be confused with a sheet cake (da-dun-ching)

i was torn with a name for this one - it was either a sheep cake or lamb cake, but calling it a lamb makes me think more of meat than sweet. and let's face it...meat and cake are not a desired combo. unless of course you are into that sorta thing...

this little buddy was pretty easy and quick to make. though i did learn one lesson: if you plan on adhering marshmellows to the entire cake, you should apply promptly after icing. otherwise the icing dries and they won't stick...say, by the time you come back from the grocery store with more marshmellows...

April 7, 2010

april fool's day cupcakes

apparently april fool's jokes are only cool in the third grade.

when i made these "mashed potato" cupcakes and brought them in to the office, no one seemed to understand what they were and why they were there. after letting them know what was up, they started picking up what i was throwing down. though a few people still didn't understand they were normal tasting cupcakes and one person noted they resembled the likeness of pancakes.

i say "potato", you say "potatoe". either way, i think i got 'em.